Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Occupy Bilderberg" - Alex Jones calls for thousands to protest upcoming meeting of global elite

In only a few weeks, every single room at the Westfield Marriott — a three-and-a-half star hotel in Chantilly, Virginia — will be booked solid. This isn’t just another run-of-the-mill Star Trek convention either.

Around 125 of the most powerful people on the planet are believed to be flying into suburban Virginia at the end of May to take part in the annual Bilderberg conference — a yearly series of meetings regularly attended by international royalty and others close to the top of governing bodies worldwide. Like years past, however, the actual events of next month’s Bilderberg meeting will be behind closed doors, lending to the world’s elite to make Earth-shattering decisions amongst themselves.

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Snatch and Grab, Arrests, and Tear Gas at Occupy Oakland 5-1-2012

Nuke rebuke: China urges ‘drastic’ nuclear cuts from Russia and USA — RT

China is actively pushing the nuclear disarmament process forward, calling for the US and Russia, between them possessing the majority of the world's nuclear warheads, to “make drastic reductions in their nuclear arsenals.”

Even though Russia and the US have already taken concrete steps towards reduction of their nuclear capability, Beijing stressed they still hold the most nuclear arms.

The recent US-Russian arms reduction treaty, which came into force in February 2011, requires both states to cut the number of long-range, strategic nuclear weapons to no more than 1,550 on each side within seven years.

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Obama cements US support to Afghanistan beyond 2014 — RT

On a secret trip to Afghanistan Barack Obama has signed an agreement pledging US financial and military support to the country for 10 years beyond the 2014 withdrawal. Despite its many failures the US is trying to portray its strategy as a success.

Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and signed the Strategic Partnership Agreement, which states that Washington may use “diplomatic means, political means, economic means and even military means” to help Afghanistan, with approval from Kabul.

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‘US not ready to wage war against Iran’ — RT

Despite conflicting statements from top Israeli officials on Iran’s nuclear program, the threat of war remains high. US Colonel Douglas Macgregor told RT that after an Israeli strike, Tehran won’t need to build nuclear bombs - it will be given them.

RT: President Obama has put forward an ultimatum for Iran: “either make progress with negotiators or face consequences,” consequences meaning war. Some say a strike may happen within the next few months. In your opinion, how realistic is that? Should we expect a war this summer?

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May Day Protests Against Wall Street Greed Hit More Than 100 U.S. Cities

For a dead movement, Occupy Wall Street packs one helluva wallop.

The populist protest against economic disparity, political corruption, and predatory banking practices joined with organized labor Tuesday to spark May Day protests in more than 100 U.S cities, which drew more than 80,000 participants. The largest gathering occurred in Lower Manhattan, where more than 50,000 people marched in the single biggest turnout in the brief history of the 8-month-old movement.

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What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success

Everyone agrees the United States needs to improve its education system dramatically, but how? One of the hottest trends in education reform lately is looking at the stunning success of the West's reigning education superpower, Finland. Trouble is, when it comes to the lessons that Finnish schools have to offer, most of the discussion seems to be missing the point.

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