Sunday, May 20, 2012


Chicago police attack credentialed press photographer | The Raw Story

The uncredentialed livestreamers and reporters who cover Occupy Wall Street protests may feel that taking their chances with the police is part of their self-appointed role. On Saturday, however, a credentialed photographer for The UpTake, who was wearing a highly visible press badge, ran afoul of the Chicago cops.

Tracy Pollock was attempting to photograph police who had set up barricades and were using their bicycles aw weapons to force back a crowd of protesters. As she pressed forward, one police officer first tried to rip her camera away and then pushed her over some bicycles, leaving her bruised but not seriously injured. Protesters helped her to safety.

Read the full story here...

Entrapment of Cleveland 5 and NATO 3 Is Nothing New

The old trope of the bomb-throwing anarchist is back in the news, with a round-up in Ohio on May 1 and the three would-be NATO protesters arrested on Wednesday who are now charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism. While the impression that appears in the media is one of remnants of the Occupy movement verging toward violence, the driving forces behind these plots are the very agencies claiming to have foiled them.

The five activists arrested in Cleveland, Ohio, are facing multiple charges for conspiring and attempting to destroy the Brecksville-Northfield High Level Bridge on May Day to protest corporate rule. According to the FBI press statement released shortly after the May 1 arrests, FBI Special Agent in Charge Stephen D. Anthony said “the individuals charged in this plot were intent on using violence to express their ideological views.” But that is only one side of the story.

Read the full story here...

Chicago Police Attack Press, Use Bikes As Weapons

LRAD now being used against NATO protesters in Chicago - Wikipedia Description Below

The Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) is an acoustic hailing device and sonic weapon developed by LRAD Corporation to send messages, warnings, and harmful, pain inducing tones over longer distances than normal loudspeakers. LRAD systems have been used to counter piracy, as non-lethal crowd control weapons, and as communication devices.

According to the manufacturer's specifications, the systems weigh from 15 to 320 pounds (6.8 to 150 kg) and can emit sound in a 30° beam at 2.5 kHz.[1]

LRAD systems are used by maritime, law enforcement, military and commercial security companies to send instructions and warnings over distances, and to force compliance. LRAD is also used to deter wildlife from airport runways, wind and solar farms, nuclear power facilities, mining and agricultural operations and other industrial facilities.

Chicago NATO Summit: Police clash with protesters | Video |

Anonymous hits Chicago in solidarity with NATO protests

Tango down: Anonymous hacktivists take down Chicago city websites in solidarity with NATO protesters.

The City Of Chicago website, as well as the Chicago Police website, were taken off line Sunday, May 20, by hacktivists associated with the international Internet collective known as Anonymous.

CBS Chicago reports the main portal to was not accessible Sunday morning, and the Chicago Police Department website,, was also down.

Read the full story here...

Returning their war medals. Veterans lined up in formation:

Anonymous - Message to Chicago Police Department