Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cops getting people high and dropping them off at Occupy Minneapolis? That's the allegation. Here's the new video de jour.

ALEC - The American Legislative Exchange Council - Explained in 5 Minutes

Defend the First Amendment

Since September, police have arrested dozens of journalists and activists around the country for the “crime” of trying to document political protests in public spaces.

People with smartphones and cameras are changing the way we record and share breaking news. In return, police have targeted, harassed — and in many cases, arrested — those trying to bear witness.

Whether you’re a credentialed journalist, a protester or a bystander with a camera, you are guaranteed freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of access to information. In the digital age, these freedoms mean that we all have the right to record.

Free Press and a coalition of free speech and digital rights groups have sent a letter urging Attorney General Eric Holder and the Justice Department to defend this right.

Please Join Us and Sign the Letter. Protect Everyone’s Right to Record.

Click here to send a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder...

Alleged US Army doc: re-education camps and psy-op missions aimed at activists — RT

An American military document just uncovered appears to detail an US Army plan that calls for detaining “political activists” at re-education camps staffed by military-hired “PSYOP officers” in both America and abroad.

The website has unearthed the smoking gun, a copy of a United States military manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations, which appears to offer Defense Department insiders instructions on dealing with the imprisonment of anyone considered an enemy to the American way of life and how to go about indoctrination them with an “appreciation of US policies and actions” through psychological warfare.

Read the full story here...

Message To Humanity: The Time is Now (Remastered)