Wednesday, May 30, 2012

History of Banking in Cullman, Alabama

Report: US Has One Of The Highest Child Poverty Rates In The Developed World

[The rate is] based on the definition of relative poverty used by the OECD. Under this definition, a child is deemed to be living in relative poverty if he or she is growing up in a household where disposable income, when adjusted for family size and composition, is less than 50% of the median disposable household income for the country concerned. By this standard, more than 15% of the 200 million children in the 35 countries listed in Figure 1b are seen to be living in relative poverty.

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Glenn Greenwald: Obama's Secret Kill List "The Most Radical Power a Government Can Seize"

NSA Intercepting 1.7 Billion American Electronic Communications Daily

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Bradley Manning, America's Martyr For Open Government

The alleged WikiLeaks whistleblower, detained and abused for two years in prison, now on secret trial, defends all our freedoms

Little did I know when I was helping with the preparations for making public the historic leak "Collateral Murder" – the 2007 footage of a US Apache helicopter firing at and killing a group of people claimed to be insurgents, which included a Reuters journalist, released by WikiLeaks in 2010 – that the person possibly responsible for the courageous act of bringing the war crimes exposed in that video into the public domain, where it belonged, would end up in a military prison, even subjected to torture for months. Today marks two years of imprisonment of Private Bradley Manning. Two years out of his 24 years is a long time in military prison. His treatment has been highly controversial, every step of the way.

Read the full story here...